Speaking of "Idol," you know this whole David Archuleta thing has to be absolutely killing Michael Jackson, right? Twenty years ago, poor David would have been wearing a sequined glove and sleeping over at Neverland Ranch by now.
I know she's doing a fine job, but does it make me a sexist that I can't listen to Doris Burke analyze NBA playoff games without thinking, "Woman talking woman talking woman talking woman talking ..." the entire time?
...And can ESPN organize a Josh Howard roast so I can stand on a dais and make these jokes as someone like Jerry Stackhouse keels over in hysterics and does the slumped-over-and-pounding-the-table routine? (Whoops, I forgot -- you'll see Danny Moder leave Julia Roberts alone for the night with George Clooney before you see ESPN get involved with another roast. Scratch that thought.)
I mean, I'm not saying, but I'm saying. Maybe ESPN is starting to give into some of his "promises" a bit in trying to make the workhorse happy. Either way, interesting in the grand scheme of this apparent near pissing contest between Simmons and ESPN.
Simmons also updated his other blog with a new story on Will McDoogle. It was a pretty solid piece I thought. More than any other reason, I'm enjoying the older stories so far because it really seems like watching a writer develop or hit that stride. You can see some of Simmons shtick that he uses now start to show through back then. Just an interesting point of view to look at it through.